Wednesday, December 30, 2009

30 DEC 09

OMG OMG, so fast la, this yr gonna end... this yr right, not the best but not the worst for me, reason being ai ya, lazy explain.. anw, tml gonna go out and go buy chothes le.. exciteddd!!!

so on the eve of christmas , i meet up with norfi and kean wai to go bugis.. ate at pastamania, omg, the mussecls damn nice went to bugis street and walk and walk jus to find a shirt, eventually, norfi was the one dat found it, of coz la, girls eh, these type of things, thier eyes damn sharp..and wth, the whole journey, she keep on whack me la OMG OMG, nowadays so violent, dun lent u my smallville den u know ah.. told ya, the prom nice right..hahahh, COZ DATS U AND ME AND ALL OF THE PPL, AND I DUN KNOW Y, I CANT KEEP MY EYES OFF FROM U ( u sit besidde me for so long , but i got no chance to sing to u coz u are so near yet so far, sry i didn't cherish u, when i realise how much u meant to me,i ran after u but u walk away and nvr look back, leaving me stranded in the place whre we share all our happiness )
den they went off, coz nofri go accompany kean cut his hair...
den i go meet chong, lau and lee.suppose to meet for countdown, omg, got 1 girl ate TWO MEALS AT ONE GO i dun wan type ur name,in case u pai seh ah.. first time, even i cant finish my food 3,2,1, den woo and go home at 3 plus..

wa, sian, not feeling well sia, dun think i can go countdown , nvm ,see how.. night

Monday, November 9, 2009



omg, no matter wad, pls dun watch LOVE HAPPENS.. eh, i fall asleep when the show only started for like wad 5 mins?? thks to F
ELICIA LAU... if u all dun know who there this girl..SO after dat , home sweet home.. eh, i reach home and str8 slp, too tired alr.. den went sch on sat.. cannot understand but the lecturer like to call us to ans his qns using the stopwatch..hahah.. my number is above 100 so i will nvr be call.. so happy..LOL..

NEWCASTLE WON AGAIN.. OLE OLE OLE.. 3-1 to peterborough..
eh, damn shiok my sis buy the latest smallville season.. wooo, damn nice la, omg..but too bad LL can nvr be with CK coz of lex so in the end she left him..

Friday, October 16, 2009

omg omg omg!!
today right ,NTH happen..hahaha

eh, i went to sch at 1, even though by right when i was suppose to meet my grp member at 12.
hahaha, i know, dats so me.. ai ya, cant blame, jus now got a old lady ask me for direction so i explain till damn long , finally she know the way..wooo.. den went lan 2day..hehe

jus now i saw a photo den rmb some thing,
i'm sorry dat i nvr went to airport and send u off dat day.. i dun wanna see u leave and i'll start crying, really, i hate gdbyes..really sorry..

my heart died dat moment !!!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I'M BACK..ole ole, due to some reason, i edited my blog and nvr locked it le coz the content is back to normal.. woohooo.. anw,


so dat day went to watch DARAH with chong.. she was the one who wanna watch, nice show but damn gore, really, is like the asia version of saw..hahaha..den eat dinner and go home

today, i went out with syam, jos, nabil, qifa, kean etc, too many ppl, lazy type..hahah, ya, we had fun la, now everyone knows eugene drank fiddy urine b4..HAHAHHAHA.. wa, i will still laugh even till now.. omg, damn funny la..

eh, i NEED A NEW HP..
TIDUR !!! =))

Friday, September 11, 2009

so today i went out with christina , fel, jack sh, and gary.. it was kinda fun, we go to lau pa sat eat..hahahah, lots of funny things happen la..lazy to blog it.. anw, happy bday gary =))

why did u have to appear in my life??

Thursday, August 13, 2009

hahahaa. norfi post the previous de, not mine..

anw, today which is 12 aug , i went to watch up with my bro, damn long nvr watch movie with him.haha.. ya, dat show kinda funny, like the small kid, so cute la..

ytd at 11 aug, i wait for chong shi ya at yio chu kang mrt station for 45 mins eh.. hahah, i so patient sia.. anw, so we went to amk hub, i tot got the harry potter show at 7pm.. didn't know dun have, only have at 6.. so suay lo, so go eat the tepanyaki, dat girl say nice, so go try, in the end, kns, not nice at all la.. but i also very full so nvr finish, so we went to causeway instead.. yay, jus nice got the show at 8..den watch, kinda nice but too bad dumbledore died.. hahaha, she was busy with her own RED eyes, omg, her eyes was so red la, pity her lo.. so acc her to boon lay , take her bus alr den i take 172 and home sweet home.

9 aug..

i meet norfi at plaza, I NOT LATE EH, TOLD YA.. so we went to alvin party, thks to ah fat which is sheng hui, we walk one big round.. den finally saw alvin hse, so sit dere and eat, in fact, i nvr even cook, only call ppl help me bring dat , bring this..hahahah.. lazy uh.. i and norfi have so much fun la, but too bad she gotta go home early, but but got marcus.hahaa, so we all know wad will happen.

7 aug
after sch, i went to meet christina at lot 1, we plan to eat dinner den go home le, so wait for her AGAIN..haha, den we walk ard lot 1 den decided to eat at pizza hut, wa, tell u, the waiter really omg, den the food come so slow..haha, den eat finish le, very early, we decided to walk to teck whye coz she wan see her ah gong..hahaha.haha, find a bf le better dun forget me HORH!! =))

did i ever cross ur mind??

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hello Stevan. My favourite song is NOT kiss goodbye, beautiful soul, you and me or the song by air supply. I didn't mean to type a post for you. But I realised I could.

Hahaha. You're the greatest friend anyone could have asked for. :D

And I know you want Mucus. (: <3 <3 <3 HAHAHA. So fun.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

these two retards are one of my best freinds =).hahaha.

OMG!! apriil 13 2007..

so long ago la, i found it on someone's blog.hahahah.. look so nerd back den.. miss all those times when 4/2 disturb miss chong.. we greet her Mrs muthu once and it really piss her off coz we know she gonna marry..hahahh miss them so so much =)))..

i go dig up all my frens NERDY pics.hahahaha

Friday, July 3, 2009

july 03 2009

LOL!!.. FOR 3 DAYS IN A ROW, i choke on my own saliva when i sleeping..DAMN ZAI!!!.hahaha, and everytime is at 8 am, damn zhun, without fail , like dying sia, i grasping for air..the feeling is like i drowning..scary sia, but the best thing is , within 10 sec, i cfm slp go back slp..hahahh, coz i slept at 5 am..

thks for dat time, i was playing soccer den i injure my shin, and was bleeding, u were the one who help me clean using tissues..hahaha, i swear at dat point of time, i suddenly saw the other side of u, the caring and gentle person..i dun wanna fall in love with u,coz i everyday quarrel with u, but realy really touched, u know who u are la, so i no need type ur name..hahaha..=))))
wa, got scar smore eh, cfm wont forget u de lo..wad a nice fren..

who's bday at july ah... i rmb got one of my fren, but cant rmb.. ai ya , hapy bday la, if u born in july, means refering to u alr..shit la, really forget..wth, is it gruiter?? or kean wai..LOLOL..

回憶過去 痛苦的相思忘不了
為何你再來 撥動我心跳

Friday, June 26, 2009

thk god still have u =)


ello, today i woke up waiting for her call, coz she say she wake up le will call me den know wad time meet..hahha. den meet up at lot 1.. as usual, i eat damn slow..den i see jerome at the same food court..hahahah, eating alone, but is common la, think smtimes i eat alone, wa, 150 sec , i finish the food le, amazing, when normally, i take more den 10mins to eat we went to jp..HAHAH, i wanted to watch transformer or drag me to hell.. den i ask her wan watch not? den she tell me, but is at 8.10 eh.. den i shock a while, 8.10???.. den wondering, we looking at the sametiming not? den she say ya, dere, the 18.10..HAHAHA, i burst out laughing, wth, 16 yrs, dun know how to tell time..LOLOLOOL..18.10= 8.10.. joker..see, dats y i nvr write ur name..hahahah.. eh, but den karma sia, a while later, my slipper spoil, coz as usual, the thingy come out, den cant wear.. den her turn to laugh..BLOODY HELL..hahaha, think cannot laugh at ppl lo, wil get retribution..


i woke up at 830 to meet brandon.. i travel all the way to yishun jus to meet him, yea, was nice of him to go from camp to fetch me too though, anw,we take 855 den went to the campsite, so they having morning trek, went along, make alot of new frens..damn fun la, seriously, they got this free time, so we take one of the ball and went to play soccer, 3v3..HAHAH, play half way, the ball burst,damn funny, we 6 faster zhao..hahaha wanted to run, but nvr la, den the guy who organise the games, like give us the wa face, lucky got more den enough ball..hahahaha..and den quiz time, got this q bout indonesia, how many island are dere in indo, 17000, who the hell will know sia, of coz all the ans are wrong la..hahah ya, went back eat den kean meet us ya, dats all..

eh, i think if one day, i met a girl call caroline, i think i will fall in love with her name and not her sia..HAHHA, k, jus kidding, someone will kill me, den my daughter name cfm caroline , den must call her, caroline junior, come come, den if one more daughter, den caroline juniorX2..hahaha.. DATS DUMB..nvm..night love =)

Friday, June 12, 2009


so i plan to meet sheng hui at 2 at NP, but den i late la, coz i watch NBA FINALS.. den fall asleep..hahahah.. den in the end i reach NP at like wad 245..hhaha. oh ya, when i alightfrom the bus, i saw this girl wearing AES DANCE SHIRT. i was like, eh, cfm someone i know but dun know me de.. DEN IS KATHERINE..dun know spell correctly not, anw, talk to her for a while, think she kinda shock when she saw me..hahaha. she now like more pretty ard 4 we go clementi, i go sheng hui house go shower, wth, he shower damn slow sia..dne wait lo, den we 2 meet mic and kean at queenstown, wiat, qifa was dere too.. ya, so went ard , buy shirt, pants, bags alr, go qifa hse ton..HAHAH, SMTH FUNNY HAPPEN..

coz qifa's bed is like a single bed, den alr got sheng hui, mic and kean wai sitting on it, denqifa call kean wai move so he can sit too..HAHHA, in less den 3 sec, when qifa sit down, THE BED COLLASPE, 4 OF THEM THIER REACTION DAMN SCARE, DEN ALL OF THIER HEART THINK LIKE STOP BEATING FOR 1SEC..hahahhaah, i saw alr, i laugh until my stomach ache, smore i gotta control my laughter la.. coz his grandpa slept alr..HAHAHAH, THEIR EXPRESSION DAMN DAMN FUNNY.. so we go play this game go homojale..DAMN FUNNY..ya, so i and mic slept at 5, they all , i dun know, coz separate room..



Friday, June 5, 2009

EH, wth , i too busy to update my blog, but nvm, this blog like gonna die soon, but i revive it..wooo

APR 29 2009

eh, lets start with dat day,coz is someone special birthday.. hahaha , none other den CHRISTINA CHONG SHI YA.. eh, know her for like wad, 6 yrs, damn long la, so after sch, i went to bugis coz gary and i alr plan to give her surprise birthday celebration, so i finish sch at 5 den reach dere at 6, but gotta wait gary till 10 so for 4 hrs, i at bugis walk and walk, dun know do wad, den almost fell asleep on the bench, eh, wait, can say, i got slp a while, den go national library, coz birthday girl dere, den we give her the cake, think she gonna cry, 18 alr eh.. ai yoooo.. but my eyes cant open..hahah, but got some of her fren, i dun know who..anw, happy birthday eh... 'wen rou dian' lol

may 15

after i finish school, i go NYP,meet christina , coz we like kinda celebrate my bday, so decided go JP eat, so take train, eh damn crowded, den we went to eat swensen..hahah, den on our way home, coz i say, i nvr see her so gentle before, den she so angry, wanna tear my bday card dat she gives me..hahahah, so bad.. eh, but horh, wad she write is like all her wish and not my wish, seriously, wad, i wan her to be more pretty.. -.-' SI MI

may 18

sry ah, in between, dun know wad happen, as in i forget..HAHAHHA. eh, so on dat day, got bbq at gerri hse, we all went to sheng shiong buy all the stuff, actually not us la, only gerri and her fren, diane..HAHAH, we were late.. coz of gene and qifa la, slept at my hse ,den overslept..lolol.den went to bbq, eh, ok la..too bad, she nvr come, but den she alr say she not coming.. so nvm, u owe me one ah, christina BDAY GERRRI, GENE AND QIFA..=)

june 2

FINISH EXAM ALR.. WOOOOO. i went to play lan with my SIM FREN..hahah, but den play too long, my eyes damn pain dat day, den play cs, eh, damn long nvr play sia, duc damn funny.. he wan say ulti, he say woo ti, coz he vietnam,oh oh oh, one more, he wan say bull's eye become bullet eyes. den we all stare, wth u talking..HAHAHAHA, retarded..but he damn funny.

oh oh most impt, my bday wish is dat, my parents, bro sis all healthy and lead a happy life, hahaha, i miss my parents though, smtimes nag , but no matter wad, they still care for me, eh i think 1 yr, i only see them like wad, 80 days, damn little lo...

eh, the tag, not i tag de, cfm jerome or mic, coz they two damn bo liao..LOLOL..

ask kean wai wad thing, he cfm damn ANGRY..HAHAHAHH


Monday, April 20, 2009

我只是 你的过去

HOW TRUE!! anw, is a song from ELVA.. Tittle is 窗外的天气
her voice is so nice la.. think she's the first female singer i will support. as for the guy, none other den jay chou la..lolol

eh, watch newcstle match jus now, OMG!! think uh, they derserve to relegate so lousy.. omg, they lost 1-0.. nvm, stil got 5 more matches to play, wa, if the relegate, i think i wont rush home on weekend to watch soccer la, coz like no meaning liao eh.. hai yoo

eh, alot ppl birthday is coming eh!!, gotta buy present le, all 18... broke liao la..
imagine i 1 month get only $300.. poor thing lorh.. 300 divide by 30 days, is like 1 day can only spend $10..including food plus transport fees..waaa, die liao..LOLOL!!..
so in conclusion, no present k , christina chong..lolol
if u saw, cfm say, U DAMN STINGY LORH...den say in dat sharp sharp tone & will drag ur last word..HEHHE =)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

LifehouseYou And Me lyrics
What day is it?
And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back downI've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me
and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to loseAnd it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on wordsYou've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
And me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
What day is it?And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
i know this is an old song la.not outdated k, jus dat is too nice le..
if i last time had a prom , i would sing this song to u.. and in this case, she would be
.. nvm its over le.. too bad, my yr we all ,dun have prom uh..realise this song is so true uh, like u will only see the person u like even though u're in a place full of ppl..
btw, norfi fav song uh.. shld sing to marcus though..
LOLOL..i'm so dead..ya, so much for ur XYZ..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009




last day of my exam.. shiok hor, dat was like so long ago.. but must blog about wad happen.. so,finish my MATH exam.. wth lo.. i hate math seriously.. anw, went timah play dota with my SIM frien..hahaha..den rome all came..i play pool with fran. as usual..CFM LOSE..den i gotta go panjang liao.. coz birthday girl having party..went to her hse eat steamboat.. omg, all her classmate dere la. so pai seh sia.. den sit quietly down dere eat.. lucky stil got roger accompany me..hahah.. den cut cake, dey went to play mahjong liao.. so i went home, wanna go home watch the ghost movie.. bloody hell, it was shutter , watch b4 le.. so nvm, watch with my sis..

happy 18 birthday to HYQ!!!! =)

eh, 18 liao sia, can go buy alchohol le, means u're anw thks for acc me to walk to lrt even though is so'far'.. hahah.. eh, take care and stay pretty always hur!!! hahah

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

tml ,exam start le.. sibei sian...
smore is MPO.. gotta rmb so much things, like wad is the generic strategies and scope??
simi sai.. so difficult lo.. bloody hell..

oh, i goin back on next mon.. dun miss me too much uh.. esp norfi.. everytime will cry and KISS GDBYE coz is only U AND ME!!!.hahahahaha. her fav song.. plus 1 more, U'RE A BIG BIG GIRL IN THE BIG BIG WORLD, IS NOT A BIG BIG THING , IF U LEAVE ME.!!!!( forget the song tittle)..
LOL, i swear to god, u gonna kill me, and u regret not pushing me inside the pool..hahah..

kalau aku sudah pulang, apa kau rindu sama ku?.
karena di dalam hati ku, cuma mencintai lu.

buay buay.

Monday, March 2, 2009

27th feb

went to lan with gene, qifa, rome,nic,kean, jh and MIC-K-LA..hahahahah..
so after we finish playing, dota.. we went to the beauty world eat..kean keep forcing rome and qifa to go for the bbq the next day.. apparently, qifa and rome dun wan, but see kean so poor thing, den say ok ok, i'll try come, den the usual extray boy, MIC-k-la, suddenly say, kean wai, u must stand ur ground..LOLOLOL, i look at qifa, rome look at nic, all burst out laughing, STAND UR GROUND SEH..hahhah, is like lin jie last time ask us, eh, how u all define love ah??LOLOL, wa, dat one, i can nvr ever ever forget. k, my stomach hurts now, not becoz i'm laughing, butcoz i lau sai 3 times anybody wanna smell??

28th feb
so after my sch end le, i went to lot 1 to meet christina chong, went to eat foodcourt, and off we went to vivo.. hahahah, we were late la, fel was waiting for us dere.. not my fault, someone eat damn slow..lolol...k, so on the bus, while we were listening to song, she wil pluck out my earpiece and sing la, smore so loud those type..hahah, damn cute.. den suddenly smth happen.

her: stevan, u look at the couple in front of us, the guy like wan take the advantage of the girl eh
me: really meh? the guy slping bah, dun know he leaning towards the girl, they stranger ah?
her:dun know eh, tot couple? since u say, i also tink is stranger liao, ai yo , the girl so poor thing eh..stevan, u slp on the bus will like dat not?
me: of coz wont la, i so gentleman..( thk u, thk u) =)

den we keep on whisper..hahaha. damn funny, den reach vivo le, we saw the two of them hugging eh, wad sai?? den we two damn pai seh,

me: u see la, anyhow say, hai yo
her: no lo,is u, so kpo , keep on look at them..

den i jus stare at her, she know wad i gonna say ..hahahha

den reach dere le, saw fel, den off we went to the dean bbq, saw norfi, dean, gary, jh, sheng hui al..but den dat time was raining, so cannot start fire, so gotta wait.. overall, the thing is stil all irght la, jus dat not enough food for everyone.hahah. dean really try his best le, can understand la.. so ard 10.40, me, christina, en, fel and jack went home, i'm so tired lo.. nvm..msg a while den went to slp at 2.30..

happybirthday to my junior, yi ting & lin jie.. hahaha, u two birthday is only 1day diff.. 1/3 and 2/3. hahah..all the best in everything uh

i miss u..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

so, last week, i went out with my pri sch freins. maryiln, dada and s'ron..hahah 11 yrs of freind eh.. not bad right?! go to town and eat delifrance and realise that i gonna be godpa soon le..wooooooooooo.hahha.. they know y.. that was on 4 feb wed.. i rmb dat day coz iwas early for sch..hahahh

oh, so sch was fun. i make some more new freinds, but most of it all comes from indo.. my grp got two girls call ines and kartikaa. both of them tot i was local student so they keep on talking using indo laguange , tot i dun know only.. say say till so shiok. i jus smile and laugh to myself.. hehehe.. damn fun.. BUT i forget how they eventually knowi'm not local student, sian.. nvm, i call ines to talk to me using indo, so i can improve my indo, my indo really KNS.. cant make it those type..hahaha.

oh ya, last fri, we went to christina house to bai nian.. i was late la, jack, fel and gary reach le, i ard 6 plus den go her hse, cant blame la.. got smth on, i think i got sch ah.. dats y so late, den eat steamboat , den play mahjong..hahah.. her dogs ah, i think i like missing most compare to kiki.. dat one siao one..scare the hell out of me only..bloody hell..hahah. so go home ard midnight, den chattedwith her for a while at bus-stop. den i cabbed home.

done, i wan slp siol. ' ni wen, wo ai , ni you ,duo sheng' hahahaha my mom fav song,
k, iknow i damn random

hahaha, the hardest part is that i cares for u but i wont show it to u..MAYBE one day, u are goin to be with him, i promised u, i will do all my best to let u know how impt u are to me, even if i cant, at least i tried.. i dun wanna look back and regret.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


i decided alr, i wanna blog everyday, like dat, i would know wad happen in my life everyday..hahahhaha.. who am i kidding =D

k, serious now, chinese new yr past like nobody business, all my holiday gone jus like dat.
so sian la, seriously.. so, on the eve of new yr, we all siblings were busy cleaning the house, cant blame , mum & dad order us to do.. den me and my 2nd bro came up with a smart idea and dat is to play 'DA LAU ER'.. we race to 3, whoever win, have to clean toilet and mop the floor, LUCKILY, i lost 2-0 , den my dad call us help him burn incesne paper..hahahah TOO BAD ..


my aunt and uncle came, think they are the only relative i have in s'pore here.. so my ang pao would only have 2, poor thing, nvm, i alr call my big bro to faster get married, this way , i can get ang pao too..hahah. smart uh.

oh ya, on wed 28/1/09
my freind came to my house bai nian..hahah,first time i think i bring my fren to my house to bai nian, my mum damn freindly right?haha, told ya...

someone once told me, u have to let the person u love go den u will know how impt is she/he.. so, if u wanna know wether the person is impt to u, u must let them go first..HAHAHAH.
if i tell this to one person.. he cfm say, hai, 'stevan will nvr change'.. ok la, i was jus joking..

Thursday, January 8, 2009

OMG, i finally found this song like ,after 7 yrs...
wooooo, damn nicee..

lin jie, this is the song dat last time i sing to irritate u..hahahahha =))

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

so woke up at 8 today, den find it to early , go lie at the sofa, when i woke up , is alr 8.45..
i'm so late ..hahah, den shower , quickly go sch.. i was in fact early la i reach at 9.30...
woo , thk u thk u... i'm not late, den quickly see down.. den christopher sit beside me..

sch ended , went to eat with martin, jian xin, ann, christopher..hhaha. all from diff country, indo, cambodia, china, s'pre.hhaha, realise got things to chat with them also, it takes time la..

oh, THE MOST IMPT THING.. i was outside coronation plaza waiting for 67.. den i saw a girl who i tot is her.. i went over to look closely, is not, omg, the two really really look so alike la..
their height, the way they wear and the bag also..seriously, i was so shock heart was beating so fast when i tot i saw U.. but realise is not, so disappointing.. =( make me happy a while nia.. nvm, if i saw her, i'll cfm run and say hi =)).. hahahaa..woooooooo

Sunday, January 4, 2009

tml, start sch le 9.30 start le eh..OMG. the thing is sat i also gotta go back sch eh..haizz.
nvm, i'll look forward to it..

oh oh, HAPPY NEW YR everyone..
all the best for 2009..

haha, marcus say he's coming my hse, i doubt so.. oh ,so few days ago , i went out with her..
wanted to watch twilight but in the end, no time slot..'s been a long time since i saw her..

sry fran, joel, kw, qifa, rome ,gene, mic all..nowadays dun have the time to lan with u all coz my parents are in sry , my frenz..hahah but they maybe also kinda used to it le...

okay, i wanna slp le.. and one more thing, newcastle rockz, i kinda hate liverpool's fan now..